Zootopia or; Furries – The Movie


ZOOTOPIA – JUDY HOPPS, an optimistic bunny who’s new to Zootopia’s police department. ©2015 Disney. All Rights Reserved.

Nothing is sacred. No matter how innocent you make something Furries have to ruin it. If you aren’t aware what a “Furry” is, they are grown adult people who have a fetish for dressing up as animals or drawing gross cartoons of popular animal characters, most namely Zootopia. You can’t even image search characters of the film without getting gross results.

With the release of Disney’s newest CHILDREN’S MOVIE all of the Furries have come out of the woodwork to fill the theatres so they could “release” something of their own, leaving children and parents confused nation wide. and it seems like Disney is aware and cashing in on it.

With that being said it’s a pretty good movie.

Zootopia stars Ginnifer Goodwin as small town bunny Judy Hopps, who has big dreams of being a police officer in the big city, despite being told bunnies cannot be cops because of their size. Judy is determined and becomes the first bunny cop of Zootopia. Judy is given meter maid duty instead of actual police work, but unravels a mystery she must solve with the help of Nick Wilde (Jason Bateman) who is a fox, a rabbit’s mortal enemy.

Zootopia is stuffed with metaphors about race and feminism, beating you over the head with “be nice to everyone because not everyone is like their stereotype.” There are constant references to how certain animals are treated just because they are on the Prey side of the spectrum or the Predator side. The symbolism is not subtle and a little tiring. And that’s a good thing.

Zootopia succeeds at being a statement about our current police force, race, and treatment of minorities. It isn’t subtle because it doesn’t need to be, it’s for children to learn how you should treat one another. Behind all of the puns and goofs lies a serious and surprisingly poignant message that just because you aren’t a minority you shouldn’t feel like you’re better than them.

This film may not be the best animated feature this year, but it’s a damn good one. Zootopia is funny, heartwarming and has a terrific message. If you’re a parent looking to take your kid to a movie, this is a good one and you won’t be bored and neither will your kids…you may have to deal with some gross Furries though…

Thanks for reading,

J.B. Prater

Check out this review and many others on www.Film-Flam.com


  1. Hi JB, glad you liked the movie and linked my Zootopia article at Dogpatch Press. Sorry you had a mistaken impression 🙂

    I wonder if you have ever gotten together with 200 friends to rent a theater for an amazing event? Cuz our shit is gonna be off the hook. We maxed out the theater and we’re taking over the town with costuming before and after the show. There was even a lead for getting the private theater at Pixar, but their security is high and probably wouldn’t be down with the costuming.

    LOL at the urban legend of 200 furry fans doing that for orgies, you should ask the theater why they’d host us if that happened 🙂 It’s “not subtle and a little tiring”, nobody does it to Star Trek fans and their kirk/spock porn. I don’t judge because sex lives of strangers is none of my business. The tired, Myspace era, prudish internet hate hasn’t stopped us from having a great growing subculture. Sorry you’re mad that Disney is catering to us and you’re not on the guest list 😉 It’s just other people’s loss if they don’t appreciate something awesome we get to share.

    Well I’m sure you have at least a few friends to see movies with, so have fun (but not as much as us 😉 I noticed you just reviewed Gods of Egypt – I’m skipping because it seems pretty disappointing, but check out this story about a lost project from Alex Proyas when he was at his peak. I was super excited about interviewing the screenwriter, and I’m sure you can share that feeling with your writing about movies!

    Between The Crow and Dark City, movie maker Alex Proyas had a lost project, revealed here.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. PS the “children’s movie” thing is kind of unbecoming for a literate movie reviewer, isn’t it? It’s PG (not G rated) aiming at parents as well – and I hear that you’d better protect your nuts if you say animation is for kids or a “genre” around Brad Bird.

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